
  • 電 話:0550-7855886
  • 傳 真:0550-7855885
  • 郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com
  • 地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號


  • /upload/images/202403/17109178768777.png
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:YVFBR扁平電纜 YVFBR flat cable
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  • 添加時間:2024-03-20 14:48:12
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YVFBR扁平電纜使用于工作電壓450/750V級以下,環(huán)境溫度-40~70℃的起重、運輸、機械、電氣、礦山、等行業(yè)各種移動動力裝置的電源連接及控制信號照明等。YVFBR flat cable is used for power connection and control signal lighting of various mobile power devices in industries such as lifting, transportation, machinery, electrical, mining, etc. with working voltage below 450/750V level and ambient temperature of -40~70 ℃.





Product Usage

1: Characteristics and applications of flat cables: Flat cables are suitable for fixed power transmission lines 

or connecting cables for mobile appliances with rated AC voltage of 0.6/1KV and below,

The product has characteristics such as heat resistance, radiation resistance, cold resistance, acid and alkali resistance, corrosive gases resistance, waterproofing, etc. The cable structure is soft, 

radiation is convenient, and electrical performance is stable in high temperature (cold) environments,

With outstanding anti-aging performance and long service life, it is widely used in metallurgy, 

power, petrochemical, electronics, automobile manufacturing and other industries.

二:扁電纜執(zhí)行標準 阻燃耐火特性試驗執(zhí)行GB12666-90要求 : Flat cables shall be tested for flame retardant 

and fire resistance characteristics in accordance with the requirements of GB12666-90


1. 額定電壓:U0/U 0.6/1KV 工作溫度: 180℃ 低環(huán)境溫度:固定敷設-60℃

2. 扁電纜安裝敷設溫度應不低于-25℃。 

3. 電纜允許彎曲半徑:電纜小為電纜外徑的15倍

3: Usage characteristics

1. Rated voltage: U0/U 0.6/1KV Working temperature: 180 ℃ Low ambient temperature: Fixed laying -60 ℃

The installation and laying temperature of flat cables should not be lower than -25 ℃.

3. The allowable bending radius of the cable is 15 times the outer diameter of the cable





Structural characteristics

1. The conductive wire core adopts a soft structure to ensure good flexibility performance of the cable.

2. The insulation and protective layer materials are made of butadiene polymer, 

which improves the flexibility, corrosion resistance, and cold resistance of the cable.

3. Insulation core color separation provides convenience for laying and installation.

安徽中盛電氣集團有限公司  地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號   皖ICP備14020668號-1
電 話:0550-7855886  傳 真:0550-7855885  郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com  正版建站推廣:千秋在線   

皖公網(wǎng)安備 34118102000257號