
  • 電 話:0550-7855886
  • 傳 真:0550-7855885
  • 郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com
  • 地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號


  • /upload/images/202407/17206657341374.jpg
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:High temperature silver plating wireAF46RP
  • 瀏覽:
  • 添加時間:2024-07-11 10:36:12
  • 推薦度:


1、 Product features and uses


Fluoroplastic insulated installation wires have excellent properties such as wide temperature range, oil resistance, wear resistance, acid and alkali resistance, various chemical reagents, aging resistance, non combustion, etc. They can be used as electrical appliances, instruments, and equipment in high, low, and various harsh environments


Used for electrical connections.


Due to the advantages of small outer diameter, light weight, high temperature resistance, vibration resistance, impact resistance, and easy installation of fluoroplastic insulated installation wires, the product can be used as various wires and cables for aviation, including aircraft, satellites, and other aircraft.


Silicone rubber insulated installation line has the characteristics of heat resistance, cold resistance, corrosion resistance, softness, etc. The product has excellent anti-aging performance, long service life, and can be used as mobile appliances and instruments for electrical connection in harsh environments such as high and low temperatures.


2、 Product execution standards


Enterprise Standard Q/AT2004-4


3、 Usage characteristics

1、交流額定電壓:AF U0/U 300/500V;

1. AC rated voltage: AF U0/U 300/500V;


2. Higher working temperature: The installation temperature of silicone rubber insulated wires shall not exceed 180 ℃;


F46 insulated installation line shall not exceed 200 ℃;


PFA insulated installation line shall not exceed 260 ℃;


3. Lower ambient temperature: -60 ℃;


4. The allowable bending radius of the cable shall not be less than 4 times the outer diameter of the cable.


4、 Basic model and name

型號 產(chǎn)品名稱 正常使用作溫度℃

Model Product Name Normal Use Temperature ℃

AF-200 鍍銀銅芯聚全氟乙丙烯絕緣安裝線 200

AF-200 Silver Plated Copper Core Polyfluoroethylene Propylene Insulated Installation Wire 200

AFP-200 鍍銀銅芯聚全氟乙丙烯絕緣屏蔽安裝線 200

AFP-200 Silver Plated Copper Core Polyfluoroethylene Propylene Insulation Shield Installation Wire 200

AFFP-200 鍍銀銅芯聚全氟乙丙烯絕緣和護套屏蔽安裝線 200

AFFP-200 Silver Plated Copper Core Polyfluoroethylene Propylene Insulation and Sheath Shielding Installation Wire 200

AF-260 鍍銀銅芯可溶性聚四氟乙烯絕緣安裝線 260

AF-260 silver plated copper core soluble polytetrafluoroethylene insulated installation wire 260

AFP-260 鍍銀銅芯可溶性聚四氟乙烯絕緣屏蔽安裝線 260

AFP-260 silver plated copper core soluble polytetrafluoroethylene insulation shielding installation wire 260

AFFP-260 鍍銀銅芯可溶性聚四氟乙烯絕緣和護套屏蔽安裝線 260

AFFP-260 silver plated copper core soluble polytetrafluoroethylene insulation and sheath shielding installation wire 260

AF46 (鍍錫)銅芯F46絕緣安裝線 200

AF46 (tinned) copper core F46 insulated installation wire 200

AF46R (鍍錫)銅芯F46絕緣安裝軟線 200

AF46R (tinned) copper core F46 insulated installation flexible wire 200

AF46RP (鍍錫)銅芯F46絕緣屏蔽安裝線 200

AF46RP (tinned) copper core F46 insulated shielded installation wire 200

AGR (鍍錫)銅芯硅橡膠絕緣安裝線 180

AGR (tin plated) copper core silicone rubber insulated installation wire 180

AGRP (鍍錫)銅芯硅橡膠絕緣屏蔽安裝線 180

AGRP (Tin Plated) Copper Core Silicone Rubber Insulation Shield Installation Wire 180

安徽中盛電氣集團有限公司  地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號   皖I(lǐng)CP備14020668號-1
電 話:0550-7855886  傳 真:0550-7855885  郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com  正版建站推廣:千秋在線   

皖公網(wǎng)安備 34118102000257號