
  • 電 話:0550-7855886
  • 傳 真:0550-7855885
  • 郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com
  • 地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號


  • /upload/images/202408/17230171039912.jpg
  • 產品名稱:TVVBPG-TV elevator specific flat cable
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  • 添加時間:2024-08-07 15:49:21
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TVVBPG-TV 電梯專用屏蔽射頻網絡隨行電梯專用扁電纜 導體超柔性軟導體,特軟抗衰減絕緣,屏蔽層密度100%,護套柔軟耐磨抗拉抗撕裂,外加鍍鋅加強型鋼絲。 TVVBPG-TV 電梯專用屏蔽射頻網絡隨行電梯專用扁電纜的特性是保持電梯在運行過程中電纜來回移動,

TVVBPG-TV elevator specific shielded RF network accompanying elevator specific flat cable conductor ultra flexible soft conductor, specially soft and anti attenuation insulation, shielding layer density of 100%, sheath soft, wear-resistant, tensile and tear resistant, externally reinforced with galvanized steel wire. The characteristic of TVVBPG-TV elevator specific shielded RF network accompanying elevator specific flat cable is to keep the cable moving back and forth during the operation of the elevator,

TVVBPG-TV 電梯專用屏蔽射頻網絡隨行電梯專用扁電纜 導體超柔性軟導體,特軟抗衰減絕緣,屏蔽層密度100%,護套柔軟耐磨抗拉抗撕裂,外加鍍鋅加強型鋼絲。 TVVBPG-TV 電梯專用屏蔽射頻網絡隨行電梯專用扁電纜的特性是保持電梯在運行過程中電纜來回移動,彎曲,網線負擔重力的情況下,能很好的保持良好的通信效果。

TVVBPG-TV elevator specific shielded RF network accompanying elevator specific flat cable conductor ultra flexible soft conductor, specially soft and anti attenuation insulation, shielding layer density of 100%, sheath soft, wear-resistant, tensile and tear resistant, externally reinforced with galvanized steel wire. The characteristic of TVVBPG-TV elevator specific shielded RF network and accompanying elevator specific flat cable is to maintain good communication effect while keeping the cable moving back and forth, bending, and the network cable bearing gravity during the operation of the elevator.


1、 Scope of application

TVVBPG 本產品適用于交流額定電壓300/500V(或450/750V)及以下電梯和升降機械設備等,作電源動力連接線用。    

TVVBPG is suitable for elevators and lifting machinery equipment with AC rated voltage of 300/500V (or 450/750V) and below, as a power connection line.


2、 Execution standards


QB/WB2008-6 and Supplementary Requirements


3、 Usage characteristics


1. The long-term allowable working temperature of cable conductors should not exceed 120 ℃, and the laying environment temperature should not be lower than 0 ℃.


2. Install a free suspension with a length not exceeding 80m and a moving speed not exceeding 4m/s.


3. The allowable bending radius for cable laying and installation should not be less than 6 times the small edge of the cable.

安徽中盛電氣集團有限公司  地 址:安徽省天長市滁州高新技術產業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)緯三路68號   皖ICP備14020668號-1
電 話:0550-7855886  傳 真:0550-7855885  郵 箱:zsdqjt@163.com、2522510047@qq.com  正版建站推廣:千秋在線   

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